Invention/Inventor of Interest

Ch 11 – The Nation Grows and Prospers –

Inventor of Interest Project


Name:___________________                                    Date____________________


Research Notes for Project


Slide 1 – Title Slide: Name, Date, Inventor/Invention



Slide 2 – Invention




Slide 3 – Inventor’s Name




Slide 4 – What year was it invented?




Slide 5 – When did it get a patent?




Slide 6 – How did it work?




Slide 7 – How did it improve people’s lives?




Slide 8 – Do we have a “modern day” version of this invention?






Inventor of Interest Project

Miss Villecco – Social Studies


  • You will be creating a Power Point Presentation on an inventor of interest


  • Every slide should include a picture


  • Sound /animation is required



Slide 1 5

Slide 2 5

Slide 3 5

Slide 4 5

Slide 5 5

Slide 6 5

Slide 7 5

Picture 5

Picture 5

Picture 5

Picture 5

Picture 5

Picture 5

Picture 5

Spelling 5

Spelling 5

Spelling 5

Spelling 5

Spelling 5

Spelling 5

Spelling 5


Total points to earn :___________/105_______