Greek Gods and Goddesses Project!

Miss Villecco – Social Studies 6
- You will be creating a Power Point Presentation on a Greek God or Goddess.
- You need to research the following items to include on each slide of your power point.
- Appearance (What your God/Goddess looks like) Import a picture from the Internet.
- What is their symbol? Include pictures!
- What are their strengths?
- What are their weaknesses?
- Who are their parents? Include pictures!
- Who are their children, if they have any? Include pictures!
- Where is their birthplace? Include pictures!
- Who are their husbands or wives? Include pictures!
- Where are their major temple sites, if any? Include pictures!
Useful Web sites:
Choose your god/goddess
Zeus – god of the Olympians
Hera- goddess of marriage (wife to Zeus) Queen
Poseidon – god of the sea, earthquakes and horses
Apollo – god of prophesy, music and healing
Hades – god of the dead
Athena – goddess of crafts, arts, war and wisdom
Artemis – goddess of the hunt and protector of children
Aphrodite – goddess of love, beauty and fertility
Ares – god of war
Hermes – messenger of gods and guides dead souls to the underworld
Hephaestus – god of fire and crafts (blacksmith, makes tools and weapons)
Demeter – goddess of agriculture
Hestia – goddess of the hearth
Dionysus – god of wine
Name:___________________ Date____________________
Social Studies Research Notes for Project
Slide 1 - Describe what your god or goddess looked liked
Slide 2 - What is their symbol
Slide 3 - Strengths
Slide 4 - Weaknesses
Slide 5 - Parents
Slide 6 - Children
Slide 7 - Birthplace
Slide 8 - Husband or Wives
Slide 9 - Major Temple Sites______________________________________
Name_________________________________ Rubric God Goddess Power Point Total 160 Points
Score ________out of 160 =
Animation (5)
Title Slide (5)_____Picture(5)________
Description Slide: Heading (5)_____Information(5) ______Picture(5)________
Symbol Slide: Heading (5)_____Information(5) ______Picture(5)________
Strength Slide: Heading (5)_____Information(5) ______Picture(5)________
Weakness Slide: Heading (5)_____Information(5) ______Picture(5)________
Parents Slide: Heading (5)_____Information(5) ______Picture(5)________
Children Slide: Heading (5)_____Information(5) ______Picture(5)________
Birthplace Slide: Heading (5)_____Information(5) ______Picture(5)________
Spouse Slide: Heading (5)_____Information(5) ______Picture(5)________
Temple Site Slide: Heading (5)_____Information(5) ______Picture(5)________